Most of the Hatch reference collection can be accessed electronically and it’s easy to download a 6 or 7 page encyclopedia article to get overview information on a topic.
Here is a list of Hatch's eBook providers and the type of information you can find on their sites:
Reference Books: You can access background information on a variety of subjects by visiting
the following databases: Gale Virtual Reference Library; SAGE Reference Online; Blackwell
Reference Online (business titles); and Sharpe Reference Online.
EBSCO – Provides ebooks through PsycBOOKS (psychology titles) and the eBook Collection
database (approx. 15,000 titles covering a variety of subjects, most of these titles are single-user
ProQuest Ebook Central – Provides over 80,000 titles, most for an unlimited number of users.
Oxford - Access scholarly books from the Oxford Scholarship Online and Oxford Handbooks
Online databases.
JSTOR - more than 50,000 ebooks from renowned scholarly publishers on a variety of subjects, all for an unlimited amount of users with downloadable PDF chapters.