Answered By: Peter Brunette
Last Updated: Feb 10, 2018     Views: 143

Most of the time, yes. Since the Hatch eBooks come from several different providers, the way you download will vary.

PDF chapter format. In this case, you can download the chapter to any Adobe-compatible device. Be aware that most Mac products don’t support the Adobe Reader.

EBSCO ebook collection You will need to download the Adobe Digital Editions tool. Detailed instructions for doing this can be found at
If you are downloading a book in EBSCO, you will need to sign up for a free account. The link to do this is on the top right of the page. Click on “Sign In” then look at the top right again and click on “Create a new Account.”

ProQuest Ebook Central You will need to download the Adobe Digital Editions tool. Detailed instructions for doing this can be found at

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