Answered By: Peter Brunette
Last Updated: Feb 09, 2018     Views: 161

You will first need to log in to your MyLibrary account in the Hatch catalog.  Click here to learn how to create one.

To search for books that we own, check out our catalog here:

On the left-hand side of your search results, under "Library", make sure to check "Bay Path University Hatch Library" to find books that the Hatch library, or one of our satellite campus libraries, owns. Additionally, under "Format", you can limit your results to "Book".

Click on the title(s) of the book(s) you want to borrow, then click on the blue link on the right that says "Place Hold," and then fill out and submit the form that pops up. Please note that we are only able to ship to street addresses.

We will see that you are an online student, and will mail the item(s) to you.