Answered By: Peter Brunette
Last Updated: Feb 09, 2018     Views: 60

To place Hatch Library items on hold, you must have a WorldCat account.  Here is how to do that.

Create Your Account:

  1. Start here:
  2. Click on Sign In next to the My Library Account link.
  3. Enter your 77 number as your user id.
  4. If this is your first time logging in click on "Set/reset password" and re-enter your 77 number. A link to set your password will be emailed to your Bay Path account.
  5. Once your password is created, sign in to My Account. You know you're signed in when the My Account button is in bold letters. Your checked out items will show up on the first screen with the Renew button on the right.


Place a Hold:

  1. Follow steps above to login.
  2. Once you are logged in, search for the material you want to place on hold.
  3. If the item is able to be put on hold, a Place Hold button will be to the right of the title. Click this button.
  4. You will be notified through your Bay Path email when the item you requested is available.